

Hamiltonian cycles and cycle double covers(III)

主 讲 人 :Carol Zamfirescu    教授


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Motivated by the famous Szekeres-Seymour Cycle Double Cover Conjecture and recent advances in hamiltonian cycle enumeration problems in planar graphs, in this lecture series we investigate the interplay between hamiltonian cycles and cycle double covers. We will begin with a short chapter covering basic definitions and some useful auxiliary tools. Most of the results we aim at rely in some way on planarity, so in the second chapter we discuss planar graphs. In the third chapter we then present selected results on hamiltonicity, with a special focus on hamiltonian cycles in planar graphs. In the final chapter we speak about cycle double covers and their connection to hamiltonian cycles, again with a focus on the planar case. This final chapter also contains a series of open research problems.


After completing his degree (Diplom-Mathematik) at TU Dortmund University in Germany, he moved to the University of Ghent in Belgium, where he obtained his PhD in 2016 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Gunnar Brinkmann. This was followed by two postdoctoral fellowships of the Research Foundation Flanders, a position as a doctoral assistant, and a 10% professorship in February 2023, all at the University of Ghent. His area of specialisation is discrete mathematics, in particular graph theory.